“I’m just here to learn making games as a hobby, don’t intend to publish any of it, so I have a lot of free time to learn things even if takes some years.” “Will Solar2D gets slowed down if there are way to many Lua scripts and assets to manage for the RPG game(not talking about spaghetti code, consider the code is clean)?” “RPG have tiles in them right? Does that mean I need to use external software like Tiled to make levels?” “RPG sounds kinda complex to code using just a framework, any recommendations for free Lua-specific resources for it?” “ Is it possible to make RPG games like Undertale, Pokemon, games made with RPG Maker or something along those line using Solar2D?” Sorry for writing to long, here is my main question :

I intend to make games just to learn “behind the scenes” of them. And so, here I am right now, trying Solar2D just for fun. However, I don’t really like using game engines(even though it can speed up my progress on making games) because there are many things and buttons which I don’t understand its uses. I’ve also played around a bit with game engines(Unity, GDevelop, etc.) before.

(I just make games, have never publish any). I’ve tried Love2D game framework to make simple games like tetris, 2D platformer games, etc. My understanding in Lua and programming itself is average and I learn to code by myself. Also, I’m kind of new and not really good with this kind of thing(asking question online).

English is not my main language, so I’m sorry if what I wrote sounds a bit weird or impolite.